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Parsippany NJ Personal Trainer & Nutritionist Unveils 3 foods for quick weight loss

Personal Trainer & Nutritionist In Parsippany NJ Discusses 3 Foods for quick weight loss

Three foods that have caused a significant change on my clients weight loss have been never discussed, or have drag little to no attention. Thus, it really have been like a weight loss secret for years. I started using these foods more and more and found that my tummy and my client’s weight loss and size have been reduced. The amazing thing is that you can add them to your routine easily and even better you can easily get them in a pill here . I f you prefer to buy them at store you can easily add these foods to your salads or shakes as they blend easily and take no time to be digested.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar comes from apples that have been crushed, distilled and then fermented, it can be consumed in small quantities or taken as a supplement, It’s high levels of acetic acid or perhaps other compounds may be responsible for health benefits. Recommendation for dosing is 2 tablespoons a day.

According to Harvard University, studies on mice suggest that acetic acid can prevent fat deposition ad improve metabolism. Another study in Japan look at how drinking could help people lose weight, the research found that everyone who drink a beverage with one or two table spoon of vinegar lose 2 or 4 pounds after 12 weeks and those who didn’t lost no weight.

Green Tea

The healthy beverage is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins the most important of this is epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG) a substance that can boost metabolism. Although one cup of tea may raise your antioxidant levels and mobilize fat cells, to burn fat your body must first break it down in the fat cell and move it into your bloodstream.

Animal studies suggest that the active compounds in green tea can aid this process by boosting the effects of some fat burning hormones, such as norepinephrine, noradrenaline. The main antioxidant in tea EGCG can help inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the hormone norepinephrine. When the enzyme is inhibited the amount of norepinephrine increases promoting a breakdown.

In fact caffeine and EGCG which are found naturally in green tea may have a synergistic effect.

Ultimately your fat cells break down more fat, which is release into your bloodstream for use as energy by cells like muscle cells.

Try to drink this in the late afternoon for better effects.


Grapefruit has worked very well on my clients as a diuretic and weight loss. There is a direct connection with grapefruit and the reduction of insulin levels and weight management. Study after study has shown that the importance of this link lies in the hormone’s weight management function, while not its primary function insulin assist in the regulation of fat metabolism. Therefore, the smaller the insulin spike after a meal the more efficient the body processes food as source of energy and the less is store as fat in the body. Grapefruit may [posses unique chemical properties that reduce insulin levels which promotes weight loss.


Use these 3 foods for weight loss and start ripping the benefits of health and weight reduction instantly.

Check these articles as well for more weight loss resources Nitric oxide for antiaging and weight loss here

Read more about our weight loss and nutritional programs her

Learn more about most important hormone for weight loss here

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