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Denville NJ Master Trainer teaches you 5 exercises to work on your feet

Denville NJ Fitness Guru shows 5 exercises to strengthen your weak feet

Denville NJ Master Trainer teaches you 5 exercises to work on your feet

Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts come to my clinic with lots of body’s imbalances, from overloading weight repeatedly to just becoming sedentary creatures. Nothing is more alarming to me than someone who thinks his arms are more important than his feet. Or a weight loss solution will bring comfort to body parts affected by feet weakening.

The alarming rate of people with issues on their feet . According to Bureau of labor statistics in the U.S. THERE IS APROXIMATELY 60,000 injuries a year from feet issues and the alarming rate jus keep growing and growing.

My philosophy at my fitness studio for everyone is simple: keeping their feet strong and flexible can help them reduce their chances of getting hurt. Slow and gentle stretches can improve flexibility, Strength exercises will allow your muscles to provide better support and protection, for your foot as a whole.

Here are 5 exercises to strengthen your feet fast:

Disclaimer: if your feet and ankle ache a lot, if you have any injuries, or if you have arthritis or diabetes, be sure to check with your Doctor or physical therapist before starting these routines.

Tip toeing walking: do this exercise gradually time yourselves for 30 seconds, And rest, this exercise will give you plenty of strength in the metatarsals of the feet. And will aid in range of motion on the feet as you basically stretching your feet when walking.

Massage feet with golf ball: Put a golf ball beneath your foot, gently put pressure on it and roll the ball with your foot front and back. It will break down tight tissue and help you loose out the arch your feet removing tightness and scar tissue if any left from previous surgeries or injuries.

Toe raise point and curl: This 3 part exercise will start to et your toes and feet moving/

1- Just sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor.

2-Keep your toes flat on the floor and raise your heels until only the balls of your feet and toes touch the ground. Hold for five seconds.

3-Point your toes so that only the ends of your big and second toes touch the ground and hold for 5 secs.

4-Keep your heel off the ground and roll your toes under so that that tops of your toes touch the ground. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat each position 10 times

Touch splay

This movement will help you gain control over your toes muscles:

1-Sit a straight back chair with your feet gently resting on the floor

2-Spread all your toes far apart as far as comfortable. Hold for 5 secs, repeat 10 times.

You can make this exercise harder by looping a rubber band around the toes of each toe.

Toe extension: This stretch is good to prevent or treat, plantar fasciitis which causes pain in your heel.

1- Sit on a chair with fee flat on the floor.

2-Pick one foot up and place it on the opposite thigh.

3-Gran your toes with one hand and pull them up toward your ankle until you feel a stretch along the bottom of your foot and in your heel cord.

4-Massage the art of your foot with your other hand during the stretch hold for 10 secs. Repeat 10 times on each foot.


And there you have my top 5, I’d like to mention that these 5 key exercises and stretches on the feet have helped relief lot of pain and tension on my clients feet, as well as broken a lot of scar tissue, and removed adhesion as well!

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