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Weight Loss For Men Expert In DENVILLE NJ Taps 3 hormones to boost metabolism

Denville NJ Weight Loss For MEN Expert shows how to boost 3 hormones to fire up your metabolism

The success ratio on men weight loss at my clinic in Mountain Lakes NJ have been extremely positive, and I have delivered some of the toughest transformations anyone can imagine throghout my time as a professional trainer.

It was up until now that I’ve realized how hard was for these men to lose weight in such a short amount of time. While I was enjoying every part of my training journey with these clients, I’ve never realized how absent I was from the reality of the struggle they went through, until I started feeling the effects of weight gain turning 50 years of age!.

I had strewn all the pieces of information in my mind, and now I am coming back to organize every portion of it to use it on myself and give it to others, including you reader!.

I simply came to the conclusion that all have to do with hormone balance!. Thus, I will give you 4 top hormones you should boost when ready to take your weight loss to the next level!.

How do hormones work?

Hormones are the body’s main chemical messengers they are made by specialist cells and are released into the bloodstream where they travel, to another part of the body to send a message.

Hormones are a bit like your body’s own messaging system they can communicate in 2 ways:

Between 2 endocrine lines, for example an endocrine line releases a hormone which causes another gland to alter the amount of hormone it is producing.

Between an endocrine line and a target organ.

Although male hormones are greatly associated with fertility, there are a range of hormones that play a crucial role in men’s health both physical and mental.

What are the key main male hormones for weight loss and how to turn them on for best results!


Thyroid stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and stimulates the butterfly shape thyroid gland in the neck to produce the hormones thyroxine t4 and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid hormones are responsible by stimulating the body’s metabolism. Thyroid problems can impact the production of testosterone as well.

How to stimulate thyroid gland: My best technique is strength train exercise with moderate weight and about 10 reps or 15 per set. balance foods with portion control and seeds spread out through your meals like sunflower seed, pumpkin seeds and essential fats, such as coconut oil, extra virgen olive oil, avocados and fish oils.

IGF-1 Insuline like growth factor 1

IGF is a hormone in your body that is absolutely critical for optimal physical and mental performance, it is produced by the liver. And once it is released into the bloodstream. It stimulates growth regenerates cells and helps your body recover, and repair itself.

It’s known to play an important role in childhood growth and development and helps you build and maintain muscle throughout your entire life.

IGF-1 is the primary mediator of high’s anabolic effects on the body. HGH stimulates IGF1 production in all of your tissues and organs with the liver being the primary source of IGF 1, release into the bloodstream.

Without IGF1, growth hormone is incapable of stimulating growth and hypertrophy promoting recovery and preventing muscle loss and osteoporosis. If your IGF1 levels are low you may experience muscle going to waste and lean body mass loss, additionally, you will be at a greater risk for bone fractures and will recover from injuries more slowly!.

Check your growth hormone levels: your IGF-1 could decrease if you have growth hormone deficiency (GHD) OR IF YOUR CELLS AND TISSUES ARE INSENSITIVE, or unresponsive to HGH in addition to these symptoms GHD patients may experience weight gain sleep disturbances and a decline in quality of life.

IGF-1 levels raise with several changes in lifestyle and diet including:

  • Reduce belly fat if you are overweight or obese
  • Refraining from fasting
  • Consumption of sufficient amounts of protein
  • Taking part in routine exercise

Keep your cortisol levels down

The adrenal glans made his steroid hormone by the hypothalamus-Pituitary adrenal axis, controls how much your body releases. Mostof the cells in your body have cortisol receptors . They use it for a variety of functions such as :

  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Metabolism regulation
  • Memory formulation

Cortisol is important for your health but too much of it can harm your body and cause several unwanted symptoms .

What are the symptoms of high cortisol: High cortisol can cause several symptoms throughout our body/ Symptoms may vary depending what’s causing the increase, in your cortisol levels.

General signs and symptoms of too much cortisol include:

  • Weight gain mainly around the mid section and upper back
  • Weight gain and rounding of the face
  • Acne
  • Thinning skin
  • Easy bruising
  • Flush face
  • Slow healing
  • Muscle weakness
  • Severe fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • High blood pressure

Causes of high Cholesterol levels: The brain hypothalamus interacts with various glands in the body to regulate the levels of hormones, when it comes to cortisol this is known as the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis (HPAA).

When cortisol levels are low the hypothalamus releases the corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) which triggers the anterior pituitary gland to release the anterior adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH causes the adrenal gland to create and release more cortisol. There are many reasons why the adrenal gland releases too much cortisol.

Stress: stress triggers a combination of signals within the body from both hormones and nerves. These signals can cause your adrenal glands to release hormones including adrenaline and cortisol .

The result is an increase heart rate and energy as part of the fight and flight response. It’s your body’s way of preparing itself of potential dangerous or harmful stimulations.

Obesity and low testosterone levels

On average obese man have 30% lower testosterone levels, than those who are normal weight.

More than 70% of morbidity obese man suffer from male hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency a disorder characterized by abnormally low levels of this hormone. Male hypogonadism may reverse with weight loss.

Scientist are not entirely sure why levels are lower in obese male, but most studies fall during the following processes:

First belly fat contains high levels of the enzyme aromatase which converts testosterone into estrogen the female sex hormone. This explains why obese men have higher estrogen levels than normal weight men.

Second high production of aromatase and estrogen activity reduces the production of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GRH) lack to GRH leads to lower levels of luteinizing hormone which in turn reduces the production of testosterone.

Put simple excess of belly fat appears to suppress testosterone levels.

What foods increase testosterone in males?

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach swiss chard and kale are rich in magnesium which may increase the body’s testosterone levels.

Other good dietary sources of magnesium are : beats and lentils, nuts and seeds, whole grains.

Males with severe zinc deficiency may develop hypogonadism in which the body don’t produce enough testosterone. They may also experience impotence or delay sexual maturation. So a zinc supplement is vital.

Check our megapack loaded with all the minerals and vitamins to boost your testosterone levels here

Check these strong food to boost your weight loss quickly here

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