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Denville NJ Personal Fitness Expert

Denville NJ Fitness expert discusses the power of water infusion

Denville NJ Personal Fitness Expert

I have been doing water infusions for decades, experimenting with different flavors and times to drink it. I qickly became in love of the idea of having the nutrients diffused in the water and staying there for hours before I drink it. Furthermore, I have seen my clients getting full results on their weight loss journey by adding this technique into their diets. So let’s explore 4 reasons why you should add water infusions to your current diet:

Enjoy drinking more water as you can add different flavors

In a research made by A & M university there are many health benefits of infused water including appetite control, hydration, immune defense, heart burn prevention, blood sugar regulation and weight management. Most people struggle drinking water everyday, thus, their weight loss goals get hindered, as water is an essential part of it. Adding, mint, or green tea and even watermelon, can turn around your feeling about drinking water almost immediately. You will enjoy drinking more water, and be more proactive toward your weight loss goals.

You can choose from tons of combinations

To start making your infuse water chop up the desired fruits, herbs, and spices, you can add them to cold or hot water, some cold infused water may required 12 hours on the fridge. Speed up the process by bruising or crushing the fruit or herbs. Citrus fruits are quickly absorbed, and you can drink it right away. Here you have some choices:

  • Orange and ginger
  • cucumber and mint
  • Apple and cinnamon
  • Blackberry and orange
  • Turmeric and lemon

Fruit infusions benefits

This is probably one of the best choices, because it tastes great and you can quickly absorbed most of the benefits. For example, oranges are full of vitamin C, which can serve to boost the immune system. Ginger provides anti inflammatory effects which aid in joint pain, and is also known in helping with digestion. Cucumbers are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which are thought to aid cancer prevention, mint may help reduce IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) symptoms and also enhance cognitive functions.

When to drink it

Starting each day with a glass of fruit infuse water will ensure you get the most out of all the health benefits, since consuming water helps with weight loss and metabolic function a glass in the morning and before each meal will provide the best result. According to Harvard University research shown that even drinking 1/2 litter prior to each meal, can have an effect on weight loss.


Choosing this method can ensure you enjoy drinking more water and help you lose weight while getting all the benefits. Use infusions as discussed and make sure you wash your fruit and plans real well before you start the process.

PS- By clicking here learn how to lose weight safely and permanently in just 12 weeks

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