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Morris County NJ Best Weight Loss Transformation Trainer

Weight Loss Psychology

Morris County NJ Best Weight Loss Transformation Trainer

It has been 25 years since I started my weight loss clinic in a closet size location with lots of hope, and drive. Needless to say the very first people who contacted me to train was a woman by name Gale. Gale needed to lose weight and had many issues with depression. My goal was to help her quickly shed pounds so she can continue, and I can proved myself, I was destined for great things. To my surprise it happened quick. She needed to lose 20 pounds, signed with me for 12 weeks and in 6 weeks she was leaned and trimmed. The rest of the next 6 weeks was a psychological war, with ups and downs on a consistent mental battle. Her divorce, a trouble teen son, and other issues, that affected the work we’ve done. Therefore, Gale gained the weigh back, and now I had to deal with helping her losing those pounds again. and keep her motivated.

Over the years I faced the same issues, and developed a 3 way strategy to deal with, so I hope you all can use and help you get through those tough times we all faced!

Write down your meal plans and tape it everywhere you go

This may sound silly but actually helps a lot, every time I have seen someone on distress, the first thing they crave is junk. Having a list on your kitchen wall, office and bedroom will help to percolate all the bad thoughts of food that come to your head when you crave, grab that list, and check it out whatever you are so you can stick to your plan.

Look with people with the same goals

Having people around you that can push you through when feeling depress is key. Especially if share common goals. It is amazing how many individuals fell to their goals with no one there to cherish them up. Look for people who can have common goals and try to support them too. Don’t take this for granted, as we all need that extra voice when feeling down to tell us: YES YOU CAN!. With too much negativity in the world, an easy thing is giving up on your goals without anyone there to support you. Therefore, forming a network of friends who share those goals is super crucial!

Understand your body

You also need to acknowledge changes in your body as this happens often, and some people gets extremely depressed over a few pounds more on the scale, or looking puffy as your body’s fluids change throughout the day. You need to realize your body’s weigh fluctuate from morning to night and the best time to take a look at what is happening with your weigh is in the morning time. Also know when you are the heaviest by taken your weigh three times during the day. Morning, afternoon and night time.


These three tips cab help you stay on target with your goals without deviating any of them while allowing you to be flexible with the process. Weight loss is patient, and a marathon not a spring!

PS-Check our last story on why your posture is killing your back here!

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