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Body Transformation Expert In Morris Plains NJ Shows His 10 Minute Cardio Secret

Morris Plains NJ Body Transformation Expert Unveils 10 Minute Weight Loss Cardio Secret

Body Transformation Expert In Morris Plains NJ Shows His 10 Minute Cardio Secret

Weight Loss results have become part of my life for 2 decades, everyone I touch melts down. Most of the results I have to admit are from balancing my clients diet, a good exercise routine, and lately just a 10 minute cardio process. Body Transformation Expert In Morris Plains NJ Shows His 10 Minute Cardio Secret:

How Does it work

After finishing my clients strength and a core training routine we approach the last phase of training or what I call the finisher. In which slowly start putting their bodies in a cardio mode. So by the time we finished the work out we are ready to jump on the cardio equipment.


I like to use the treadmill for 10 minutes some days because unlike walking outside, the body has gone through exertion since my client work out with weights is done. Thus, on the treadmill I watch for a steady breathing and a constant walking pace. Helps a lot to keep a good stride cadence on the arms, as most people when walk forget about moving the arms, thus, I always check on good mechanics to maximize their cardio efforts.

Elliptical Cross Trainer

Love this machine because it just helps, bringing my clients heart to a total burning zone with a good beating and healthy heart rate.

Furthermore the cross trainer forces the body to be align with their mind and purpose, cause while moving the arms using the handles, the legs are moving as well, giving the body a total use to maximize weight loss efforts.

Finally I find the elliptical more effective to accomplish the results I need without hindering knees, joints or low back discomfort, unlike other cardio machines, including the treadmil.


Try these 2 exercises and check the complementary routine we wrote about for 20 minute weights to help you lose fat while toning your body by clicking here

Check our liquid diet benefits for weight loss here

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