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Golf Strength And Conditioning Expert In Denville NJ Shows How To Improve Your Driving Distance

Denville NJ Golf Strength & Conditioning Expert Shows How To Improve Driving Distance!

Golf Strength And Conditioning Expert In Denville NJ Shows How To Improve Your Driving Distance

I have treated many golfers with multiple issues and body’s imbalances. I learned that golf is a sport where gross stabilizers must be trained and euqally fire up when is time to explode, with your swinging skills. Unfortunately golf is still a sport that isn’t evolved much when it comes to the strength and conditioning part.

Many golfers are still under the impression that their game will improve just by playing everyday and taken lessons here and there. Without realizing that many PGA players are where they are because they went to a golf strength and conditioning specialist and get the proper training to improve their game.

Posture changes everything

You are on an ominous situation if you think that improper body alignment and poor posture will not have an effect on your driving distance. In fact it will disrupt it completely.

There is an insurmountable list of things that can happen when you want to play golf with a poor body alignment.

Here’s 2 the two best exercises to improve your driving distance!

Core Rotations with a medicine ball: Golf core exercises help to strengthen your abs which is an important muscle group associated with your golf swing.

In this exercise all four of the abdominal muscles are working together to give you complete abdominal workout. You can perform this exercise with a medicine ball to make it more difficult but you don’t have to.

Sit with your knees bent and place your feet flat on the floor hold your medicine ball in the middle of your chest and lean slightly back at 40 degree angle. You should feel your core engage.

Now rotate the right by twisting your lower back. Then return to the starting position and twist to the left. Perform this exercise for 2 to 3 sets of 25 reps and you’ll soon see a difference in your swing!

The cat Camel stretch: This stretch will improve mobility in your spine and strengthen the muscles around your core low back and hips.

Golf stretching exercises are important because they help your body to rotate better and can improve your posture on and off the golf course. Picture the letter S in your head that’s how you should try to manipulate your body into as you do this exercise.

Get down on the floor and come onto your hands and knees. Slowly alternate between arching your back and rounding your back towards the ceiling. You should feel the stretch in all three sections of your spine lumbar, lower, middle and upper. Repeat this exercise slowly. Do not force it. Hold each stretch for about three to four seconds before moving onto the next position. For best results perform two to three sets of twenty reps a couple of times.

You will notice a difference in your spine muscles of the lower back as well as your hip flexors.

Check our last post on low DHEA and its effects on women here

For more resources on golf exercises to improve your game check here

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